well, it certainly is an adjustment having the boys around all day. Boy. They love each other a lot but they sure can fight!
I chalk it up to being so close in age--19 months apart. Lots of competition for resources since they're basically into the same thing.
I have managed so far to keep the summer spending in check. The weekly kid entertainment and food budget has helped! It's cold hard cash that I can show to the kids and they can SEE when there's a lot and when it's disappearing. A couple times, the boys actually opted to eat at home to save the money for ice cream out later! Sniff. So proud.
Next week, the rubber really hits the road, though, because our one busy week (this week) where my oldest has an animation camp will be over. Let the unstructured summer begin.
Now onto YouTube. My kids, when I asked them if they had any new year's resolutions back in January said they wanted to start a youtube channel. I was skeptical, at first, given they're only 7 and 9, but after much thought, we finally let them do it.
So far, it's only a handful of the videos DS1 has made at animation camp. They aren't very good, because he's learning, but... he's totally into it. And he wants to keep making movies, and I want to encourage him to CREATE not just CONSUME!! When it comes to media.
The rules of his channel: kid friendly, no bad words (poop jokes excluded. Come on they're kids!) and no saying their names, school, etc.
We're going to invest the $50 in software and stop-motion cameras after the camp is done so he can keep going.
SO, if you want to watch some bad, but lovingly created lego stop motion animation my boys made, here it is!
I want to encourage him to pursue his interests, which right now are making movies, having a channel, and skateboarding!
It's interesting to watch them turn from babies to elementary schoolers. When the boys were born, I always wondered who they were in their hearts and what they'd be interested in. It's only taken nearly a decade to find out!
June 9th, 2017 at 02:29 pm 1497014942
June 9th, 2017 at 02:58 pm 1497016721
Perhaps it will give them some inspiration. If not, then perhaps just some laughs.
June 9th, 2017 at 03:31 pm 1497018684
June 13th, 2017 at 02:44 am 1497318299