April 27th, 2009 at 03:08 pm
Finally made some headway on one of my goals. I sent and extra payment of $800 to my student loan today. I guess after 8 years I am tired of paying those loans, especially when the journalism profession is falling apart.
I also transferred $3000 to savings, from our income tax refund. That is only a partial coup, as we had transferred small amounts out of the account this year to cover vacations and such. But, at least I am able to put something back in.
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April 2nd, 2009 at 05:13 pm
Well, the brakes went out on the car, almost killing my poor hubby in rush-hour traffic. He had to drive 10 mph the rest of the way home. after some investigation I determined that the brake line must have snapped, or fallen off or something.
That was true, but it also turned out we needed brake pads, etc. on all 4 wheels. It is a 1998, and I'm sure has never had any work done.
So that set us back $683. That we weren't planning to spend.
Last year it seemed so much easier to save, and this year, it's been an uphill battle.
Maybe the big difference is that last year, we had a newborn and because of that didn't go anywhere or do anything. That must have made easier to save money.
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