June 23rd, 2009 at 04:29 pm
Well, there have been rumors of layoffs swirling around hubby's workplace for months. It looks like it starts this week. I am praying he is spared. My worst nightmare-- 5 months pregnant with no income and no health insurance. I can't even process it. Who knows how much the COBRA would cost. Probably so much that it would burn through our savings really quickly, despite not having any other huge monthly obligations.
I have always thought to myself that we could make it through this downturn we can just stay employed. If we can just keep that one income, we will be able to make it and stay on course. I guess keeping the job is the hard part.
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June 22nd, 2009 at 04:51 pm
Well, I had no idea how much work having a yard sale is.
After hours of prep, hanging signs, setting up tables and then sitting outside, I only made $100. After you deduct lunch and what I paid to put an ad in the local paper,(in addition to my free craigslist ads) I only made $40. How depressing.
The only positive is that I managed to get rid of some bulky items to clear room for the new Bean. The bad news is that I have a giant pile of stuff to still get rid of in the garage.
I am torn about what to do. Do I pull the stuff out again later in the summer and have another sale? Call the thrift store for pick up? start freecycling it one item at a time?
I'm feeling like a prisoner of stuff. I don't want clutter and I don't want stuff!!
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June 17th, 2009 at 01:50 am
Boy, I've been MIA on my blog for a long time! Things have been crazy!
I'm 18 weeks along. We find out next week if we are getting the baby girl we want. Beaner is, at 15 months, very charming and very curious, therefore a handful.
I have just recently emerged from my first trimester sleep-and-barf fest (ladies, you know what I'm talking about), and now I have a week to throw my very first yard sale.I have been putting things aside for weeks but still feel totally unprepared and overwhelmed!
I hope to make money, but my real goal is to just get rid of all this stuff that is living in our house. We have no time for cleaning and dusting with one kid, let alone when we have another to take care of, so if we don't love ir or use it, it has got to go!!
The guest room has become the yard sale staging ground. I have boxes filled to the brim practically everywhere. I have put prices on some of it, but have a feeling I will be out front at 8 a.m. saturday putting tags on a everything I forgot.
My worst fears: no one showing up and forgetting about a box of useless stuff and finding the day after the sale.
Am I crazy or what??
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