Home > $750 to IRA

$750 to IRA

April 16th, 2015 at 06:58 pm

I got a check for March freelance work today for $750. I put it all in the IRA for 2015. That feels good. I'm making a dedicated effort to put the last few checks into the retirement account. I have a $300 check coming tomorrow that I will also deposit, which will bring me to $1550 of my $5500 goal for the year.

I still plan to contribute to the IRA once I stop working, but would like to stash as much of this money as I can into that account, rather than fritter it away on this or that.

2 Responses to “$750 to IRA”

  1. Rachael777 Says:

    keep it coming. Good job.

  2. Amber Says:

    That is awesome!

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