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Well, I'll try not to be excited.

July 21st, 2012 at 06:26 pm

Dh and I finally have come to an agreement about the neighbor situation. (See my last post about the trampoline-- last straw!). Hubby is opposed to building a fence. I don't fully understand, but he seems to really be hurt and upset by the idea.


Their children are no longer allowed in our yard.
We have also decided to plant trees for privacy in the open space between the yards. In the back corner of our yard (a wooded area) where those children sometimes sneak onto our property and destroy things, we will be making a fake fence. We'll be clearing out some of the brush and stacking all of our firewood racks along the property line to make a clear, unpassable barrier. tIs less permanent, so DH seems not happy but less upset about it. And, it's be a handy place to keep our wood, which with the hopeful purchase of a wood stove, I anticipate we will have much more of.

On other news.... remember DH's best friend who borrowed the $5,000 2 years ago and swore to pay it back in a month? Well, he has since travelled the world and moved to Chile with a girlfriend (sending us pics of all his adventures, as we sit here scrimping and saving. Um yeah). Anyway, he called last night asking for the info so he could wire the money. We'll see. he has done this before and nothing has appeared, so I'm reluctant to get excited and make plans for what to do with the cash.

10 Responses to “Well, I'll try not to be excited.”

  1. snafu Says:

    I don't know what a firewood rack looks like but what is your liability if children get hurt playing there, trying to overcome the barrier? Does that system keep wood dry and useable?

  2. ThriftoRama Says:

    The rack has a solid wood back and otherwise is just stacked wood. Their children are old enough that they aren't like to climb.

  3. Looking Forward Says:

    When (if) the $5k comes back I'd use it on the fence. I really don't think racks and trees are going to do it.

  4. baselle Says:

    Not sure what you can do in Ohio, but when I lived in Tucson, various types of cactus was the (s)ticket. Have to agree with Looking Forward here. Good luck with getting a little something from the friend. Better than nothing!

  5. ThriftoRama Says:

    I tried to talk DH into the fence. He is wholly opposed. it could be a divorcable offense if I go ahead even though he hates the idea. So, compromise. This will have to do for now. If it doesn't work out, we can revisit the fence idea.

  6. rob62521 Says:

    I understand your frustration. Since it appears you are not on good speaking terms with these neighbors, I would make sure you have in writing that their children are not to be in your yard and you are not responsible if they do trespass. It doesn't sound like they care about your feelings. We have some neighbor kids who like to play in our driveway. It is kind of steep and we have huge bushes that block the sight of anyone driving down the street, plus the neighbor always has his truck parked between our driveways on the street. I fear for the safety of the kids if they bike, roll, or run down the driveway into the street. We have nicely asked the children not to play in the driveway and explained it isn't safe and I have repeatedly asked the parents to keep their kids out of driveway and yard for the same reason. Finally, I emailed a request and said that we would not be liable or responsible if their kids get hurt on our property because we have asked them repeatedly. I kept a copy of the email in case something happens. I don't like being this way, but these are school age kids and they should pay attention to our requests. Your situation is far worse.

    As for the return of the money, let's hope for the very best!

  7. Jerry Says:

    Wow, that guy who owes you the money is a real piece of work, isn't he? I hope that this time his talk leads to something concrete, and the money ends up in your account. Some people have no shame!
    We had to do something similar to keep neighborhood kids out of our yard, even though we had a fence. There was a low area where they were easily able to hop through, and it was turning our yard into a freeway for delinquents. I did something similar, putting a bunch of wood back there, along with a few strategically-placed 2x4s (nailed into place). It stopped the traffic completely, I hope your wood offers some insurance of the same effect! Good luck.

  8. ThriftoRama Says:

    Well, Jerry, I'm glad the wood worked for you. I hope it will for us too!

  9. Katwoman Says:

    I'm going to be blunt... Speaking as someone who has had neighbors from HELL - take no sh!t from these people! They will live to torment you and from what you've already described, it's worked. This is the beginning. They've tested the waters and found out you aren't assertive so you know what will come next? Parties. Big ones that will spill into your family's yard. I'm sorry but you bit your tongue over the 5k that your husband lent to his loser buddy. He at least owes u this one. Trust your instincts or take him to couples therapy.

  10. creditcardfree Says:

    Sorry about the neighbors, I think you have made a good beginning decision to keep them from your property. EVERY time they come over or in your property, you need to ask them to leave. Keep reminding them it is your property and they need to stay out of it.

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