Home > Bean's winter wardrobe-- $18!

Bean's winter wardrobe-- $18!

September 25th, 2009 at 12:11 am

It's time to buy Beaner the next size up in pants and some sweaters for fall and winter. I had planned to just go to Kohl's and buy him pants, as they are on sale for 2 for $10.

But on a lark I decided to check two thrift stores first. I'm glad I did! I got him 7 pairs of pants, including 3 that are the same brand I would have bought at Kohl's, and three sweaters for $18.

Funny how we forget to check the cheap places first. I guess because it's faster and easier to make one stop at the regular store, where you know for certain they will have what you need .

5 Responses to “Bean's winter wardrobe-- $18!”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Good job!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Congrats on getting a great deal!

  3. mrs. Says:

    Have to love deals like that!

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    Woo hoo! I'm hoping to be a savvy and thrifty new mom too, so I can focus my money on more important aspects of my baby's life.

  5. thriftorama Says:

    Well Ceejay, when bean was first born, everything was second hand. We just fell off the wagon over time, and it's time to get back on!

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