Home > Used for the first time

Used for the first time

December 16th, 2008 at 03:18 pm

I bought $40 worth of restaurant gift certificates, and because they were having a special, it only cost $3. I am skeptical. It just seems too good to be true. Of course, I assume restaurants participate to get exposure, because the offerings are pretty limited.

But, for $3, I am willing to risk that it's a scam, I guess. Because if it isn't, it'll be a great deal.

I paid with Paypal, rather than giving my credit card number, just in case. Have y'all had luck with

By the way, the 80 percent off code is SANTA.

6 Responses to “Used for the first time”

  1. monkeymama Says:

    Yeah, we use it. You just have to read all the fine print (LOTS of rules). Like doesn't include drinks, and stuff like that.

    I think I will buy one - thanks for the CODE!

  2. kdmoffett25 Says:

    How do you used them... I can't find where to order the GC... maybe I am having a bad computer day... sad since it's my job! LOL

  3. thriftorama Says:

    You just go to, put what you want in the cart, and then put the code SANTA in at checkout.

  4. monkeymama Says:

    Thanks for the tip! I just bought $50 for $4. Will try 2 new restaurants.

    I should have picked up a $10 one for lunch tomorrow. Wasn't thinking. But I think we will go out for 2 extravagant dinners. It's been a while since we used that site, but 80% is a crazy good deal!

  5. Amber Says:

    I never heard of them but keep us posted, I am curious

  6. kdmoffett25 Says:

    Actually, I couldn't find it because it was, no s. Thanks!!! No I can get my stepmom and dad a little more and feel that I spent something on them for a little bit of change.

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